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Clearpay FAQs

What is Clearpay?

Clearpay is a payment service that lends customers a fixed amount of credit to make purchases instantly and then pay for them in 4 automatic instalments, made every 2 weeks, without any interest (late fees apply). Please use Clearpay responsibly.

The service is provided by Clearpay Finance Ltd. Clearpay Plans are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

INSTORE: Clearpay is a payment service that lends customers a fixed amount of credit to make purchases instantly and then pay for them in 4 automatic instalments, made every 2 weeks, without any interest (late fees apply). Please use Clearpay responsibly.

The service is provided by Clearpay Finance Ltd. Clearpay Plans are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

ONLINE: Clearpay is a payment service that lends customers a fixed amount of credit to make purchases instantly and then pay for them in 4 automatic instalments, made every 2 weeks, without any interest (late fees apply). Please use Clearpay responsibly.

More information can be found on Clearpay Terms & Conditions pages.

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